30 communities

  • Creation Date: 08-06-2020

    EnerMaps Open Data Management Tool aims to improve data management and accessibility in the field of energy research for the renewable energy industry. EnerMaps’ tool accelerates and facilitates the energy transition offering a qualitative and user-friendly digital platform to the energy professionals. The project is based on the FAIR data principle which requires data to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. EnerMaps project coordinates and enriches existing energy databases to promote trans-disciplinary research and to develop partnerships between researchers and the energy professionals. The EnerMaps project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N°884161. Website:

    Energy Research logo
  • Creation Date: 01-03-2018

    This community was initially defined to include a very broad range of topics, with the intention to generate a number of more focused and sustainable dashboards for research communities and initiatives. As outlined in the logo of this community, we intend to setup a community dashboard for EuroMarine (a consortium of 56 research and academic organisations) and monitoring dashboards for marine research initiatives, including infrastructures (e.g. EMBRC & EMSO), advisory boards (e.g. Marine Boards & ICES), and transnational funding bodies (e.g. JPI-Oceans and Tara Foundation).

    European Marine Science logo
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    Creation Date: 26-01-2021

    Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for computational biomedical research. It allows researchers without programming experience to run data analysis workflows on their data, share their analyses with others, and enable others to repeat the same analysis. This makes science reproducible, it facilitates sharing of data and results, and removes the need for users to compile and install software tools.

    Galaxy logo
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    Creation Date: 26-05-2021

    INSPIRED is a national research infrastructure unique in the field of Structural Biology that combines studies on bioactive (macro)molecules interactions and biomarkers identification. ​ It offers services mainly in the field of biology, diagnostics and pharmacology, addressing the needs of the health sector with significant impact on agrofood and concerns a large number of organizations (potential users and collaborators). ​ It bridges basic research with the Industry and SMEs supporting innovative actions by either providing services or in the frame of funded programmes.

    INSPIRED RIs logo
  • Creation Date: 13-07-2022

    IPERION HS Research Infrastructure: Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science IPERION HS is a project funded by the European Union under the H2020 programme. It consists of a large consortium (24 partners from 23 countries) that contributes to establishing a pan-European research infrastructure on heritage science. It offers training and access to a wide range of high-level scientific instruments, methodologies, data and tools for advancing knowledge and innovation in heritage science.

    IPERION HS logo
  • Creation Date: 01-03-2018

    Instruct-ERIC is the European Research Infrastructure for Structural Biology

    Instruct-ERIC logo
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    Creation Date: 26-11-2024

    The National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC) is the first National Research and Innovation Center dedicated to biodiversity, funded by the MUR through European Union funds - NextGenerationEU. It is a coordinating structure that unites and enhances research efforts, while simultaneously making knowledge and technologies accessible to diverse actors working on theterritory. There are more than 2,000 researchers from research centers, universities and companies working within the center implementing basic, applied and innovation research actions dedicated to Mediterranean biodiversity to generate value for the country. The objective of this project is to identify suitable strategies for monitoring, conserving, restoring and valorising the biodiversity of species and habitats in different Italian regions. The Center provides scientific knowledge and technological innovation that make it possible to face biodiversity loss, support ecosystem resilience, monitor endangered species, and restore disturbed biological communities, contributing to the goal of protecting 30% of Italy's territory by 2030, as required by the European Union. The NBFC also has the important function of training young researchers and qualified workers l and transferring to the territory the knowledge and skills needed to protect the natural heritage, as enshrined in Article 9 of the Constitution, and generate socio-economic value. Through participatory research actions, shared planning and citizen science activities, the NBFC contributes to generate the culture of nature, bringing the knowledge of biodiversity to different contexts starting from school of different levels, raising public awareness and supporting policy makers in land planning and management.

    Italian National Biodiversity Future Center logo
  • Creation Date: 19-04-2020

    NEANIAS Underwater Research Community engages Open Science practices through the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), targeting a wide variety of scientific and professional communities related to the marine environment. NEANIAS Underwater group provides three user-friendly, cloud-based solutions addressing bathymetry processing, seafloor mosaicking and classification ( More specifically: Bathymetry Mapping from Acoustic Data service delivers an advanced, user-friendly, cloud-based version of the popular open-source MB-System software for post-processing bathymetry through Jupyter notebooks with additional functionalities . The Seafloor Mosaicing from Optical Data service provides an operational solution for large area representation (in the order of tens of thousands of images) of the predominantly flat, seafloor, also addressing visibility limitations from the underwater medium ( The Seabed Classification from Multispectral, Multibeam Data service delivers a user-friendly cloud-based solution integrating cutting-edge machine learning frameworks for mapping several seabed classes, validated for archaeological, geo-hazards, energy, and other applications ( NEANIAS:

    NEANIAS Underwater Research Community logo
  • Creation Date: 14-04-2023

    All Dutch Research, In One Place. A comprehensive and open dataset of research information covering 3m publications, 500k research data, 100 research software items, from 48 data sources, linked to 3K grants and 900 organizations. All linked together through citations and semantics. Try browsing by: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Fields of Science (FoS) Welcome to the Portal of Research Output from the Netherlands. This has been developed as part of a collaboration between UKB, SURF and OpenAIRE. This portal presents Dutch research results and research projects as a sub-section found in the OpenAIRE Graph. This Research Graph is actively fed by Dutch institutional repositories, data and software repositories, and Research Information Systems (CRIS's) that comply with the OpenAIRE metadata guidelines. In addition, this portal also includes research output and research projects from other sources that have an affiliation with one or more Dutch research performing organisations and research funders found in the OpenAIRE Graph. In Dutch: Welkom bij het Portaal van het Nederlandse Onderzoeks Resultaten. Dit is ontwikkeld als onderdeel van een samenwerking tussen UKB, SURF and OpenAIRE. Dit portaal presenteert Nederlandse onderzoeksresultaten en onderzoeksprojecten als een sub-sectie die zijn gevonden in de OpenAIRE Graph. Deze Research Graph wordt actief gevoed door Nederlandse institutionele repositories, data- en software-repositories, en onderzoeksinformatiesystemen (CRISen) die voldoen aan de OpenAIRE metadata richtlijnen. Daarnaast bevat dit portaal ook onderzoeksresultaten en onderzoeksprojecten uit andere bronnen die een affiliatie hebben met een of meer Nederlandse onderzoeksuitvoeringsorganisaties en onderzoeksfinanciers gevonden in de OpenAIRE Graph. Share your research. Link your work. Connect all your research. If you can’t find your research results in OpenAIRE, don’t worry! Use our Link Out service , that reaches out to many external sources via APIs, to connect your research results and claim them to your project. Learn More Deposit your research. Whether it’s publications, data or software, select an OpenAIRE compatible repository and share using community standards. Alternatively use Zenodo, a catch-all repository hosted by CERN. All results will be indexed, discoverable and accessible via this portal. Learn More

    Netherlands logo
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    Creation Date: 15-07-2020

    A comprehensive and open dataset of research information covering 3m publications, 500k research data, 100 research software items, from 48 data sources, linked to 3K grants and 900 organizations. All linked together through citations and semantics.

    Netherlands Research Portal logo
30 communities