- Research Communities
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- Research Communities
- Restricted
restricted Creation Date: 24-08-2021The EU-Citizen.Science project and the European Citizen Science Association welcome you to this gateway where you can find in one place all research about Citizen Science!
restricted Creation Date: 26-01-2021Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for computational biomedical research. It allows researchers without programming experience to run data analysis workflows on their data, share their analyses with others, and enable others to repeat the same analysis. This makes science reproducible, it facilitates sharing of data and results, and removes the need for users to compile and install software tools.
restricted Creation Date: 15-07-2020A comprehensive and open dataset of research information covering 3m publications, 500k research data, 100 research software items, from 48 data sources, linked to 3K grants and 900 organizations. All linked together through citations and semantics.
restricted Creation Date: 13-07-2022North American Studies was born in the context of collaboration between CISAN, the Center for Research on North America and the multi and interdisciplinary research Unit of Universidad National Autonoma de Mexico UNAM, and OpenAIRE. The aim of this collaboration is to strengthen the integration and automated intercommunication between digital platforms in North America and Europe and become a leading platform for North America Studies which will facilitate communication among the community. In this community scholars, teachers, students, policy stakeholders, journalists and anyone interested in the validated information of the region will be very welcome and able to find easy and directly research outputs on North American Studies, enriching and updating their knowledge from very diverse perspectives and origins in a single portal. The platform is managed by MiCISAN, the institutional repository of CISAN, whose purpose is collecting research on North American research findings. With OpenAIRE collaboration, it will be possible the integration, organization, protection and dissemination of the CISAN’s scientific products, and similar scientific sources and resources by following the OpenAIRE guidelines and FAIR Principles, in the frame of Open Science.
restricted Creation Date: 30-01-2020The TRIPLE community gateway for the domain of Social Science and Humanities
restricted Creation Date: 14-10-2019Welcome to the Open Research Gateway for Transport Research. This gateway is part of the TOPOS Observatory (https://www.topos-observatory.eu). The TOPOS aims to showcase the status and progress of open science uptake in transport research. It focuses on promoting territorial and cross border cooperation and contributing in the optimization of open science in transport research. The TOPOS Observatory is supported by the EC H2020 BEOPEN project (824323)
restricted Creation Date: 24-08-2021restricted Creation Date: 26-01-2021restricted Creation Date: 15-07-2020restricted Creation Date: 13-07-2022restricted Creation Date: 30-01-2020restricted Creation Date: 14-10-2019